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wondering child: HELP!If you've having trouble, it's probably NOT you.

Elizabeth Williams Bushey in a funny hat/In fact, it's probably ME, Elizabeth.

I probably made a mistake when I put the page together.

So tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it.

P.S. - If the problem is REALLY BAD? Call 530-713-TALE.

Here are some other ways to get in touch, too:

Regular mail -> Send letters and such to: Inkless Tales
P.O. Box 87
New Hampton, NY 10958

AIM logo If you're on AOL Instant Messenger, you can send me a message. (If you're under 13, make sure you get your grownup's permission.) I'm: inklesstales.
Yahoo! Messenger logo If you're on Yahoo! Messenger, I'm also inklesstales.
Skype logo Got Skype? I'm inklesstales there, too.


Your first name only.

Your e-mail address, if you're over 13. Otherwise, I'll need your grownup's e-mail address. Sorry, gang, it's the law. (You don't really want to see me in Federal Prison, now, do you?)

That e-mail AGAIN, please.
(This way I'm sure to get it right.)
OK: What PAGE where you on when you had a problem? If you can't remember exactly what page, do you remember what SECTION you were in? For example: where you in STORIES, POEMS, GAMES, etc. Try to give me some idea WHERE.
NOW: Try to tell me WHAT happened, as exactly as you can. The more specific you can be, the better I can help you - and you DEFINITELY won't BORE me with details.
For example:
Less good:
I couldn't find my page.

When I tried to get the to the Grasshopper and Worm page, it wouldn't load - the page I saw said something like "404"?

Anything else you can think of to add? It's okay if you feel like telling me about something else you think can be better. You can NEVER hurt my feelings.

I ALWAYS want Inkless Tales to get better and better, and suggestions from you readers are an important part of how that happens.

Get the Inkless Experience~



All material © Elizabeth Bushey, except where indicated.

E-mail Elizabeth Bushey at